Global Times: Fijian minister hails Fiji-China cooperation over the past decade, reaffirms adherence to one-China principle

BEIJING,Oct. 21, 2024/PRNewswire/ --FijiandChinahave engaged in highly productive cooperation underChina-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), bringing tangible benefits to the Fijian people. Through joint efforts in infrastructure construction, the promotion of clean energy technologies, and agricultural cooperation,Chinahas provided strong support forFiji'ssustainable development, Ifereimi Vasu,Fiji'sMinister for iTaukei Affairs, Culture, Heritage, and Arts, said while meeting with a visiting delegation from People's Daily onOctober 14.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping's state visit toFiji. Over the past decade, relations betweenChinaandFijihave developed rapidly, yielding fruitful cooperation across various sectors, benefitting both countries.

OnOctober 14, Vasu met with a visiting delegation from People's Daily. Minister Vasu first expressed deep gratitude for the cooperation projects proposed by President Xi during his 2014 visit toFiji.

Vasu also reaffirmedFiji'sfirm adherence to the one-Chinaprinciple, emphasizing that there is but oneChinain the world, which is an undeniable basic fact.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations,Chinahas consistently supportedFijion its path to prosperity and strength.

InNovember 2014, the two countries officially established a strategic partnership based on mutual respect and common development. Four years later, this partnership was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Under the high-level strategic guidance, political mutual trust between the two countries has deepened, contributing positively to building a community with a shared future for mankind, the minister said.

Vasu highlighted thatChina'sGlobal Civilization Initiative is a significant measure to promote exchanges and dialogue between world civilizations, and the Fijian government highly values this initiative. He praisedChina'sprofound cultural heritage and its commitment to world peace and respect for diverse cultures.

We look forward to further cooperation withChinain cultural exchanges and learning within the framework of the Global Civilization Initiative, to promote greater understanding between our peoples, said Vasu.

He also welcomed the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly's adoption ofChina'sproposal to establish the International Day of Dialogue Among Civilizations, expressingFiji'swillingness to work withChinato implement the resolution and promote exchanges among different civilizations.

Vasu, who led a delegation toChina'sZhejiang ProvinceinDecember 2023, personally experienced the practical significance of the development strategies and plans formulated during Xi's tenure inZhejiang.

"The achievementsZhejianghas made in improving people's living standards and promoting cultural heritage preservation and inheritance have provided us with valuable insights,"said Vasu.

In recent years, cooperation betweenChinaandFijiin cultural heritage protection has grown closer. Vasu mentioned thatFijihas established a national trust fund dedicated to managing and preserving the country's cultural heritage. For archaeological sites, the Fiji Museum conducts professional evaluations and classifications to carry out relevant preservation efforts.

Vasu emphasized thatChina'sadvanced technology and impressive results in the developmental preservation of cultural heritage offer us great guidance and support. Additionally,Fijihas increased investment in education by incorporating indigenous language courses as mandatory subjects in primary schools and electives in secondary schools. The Fiji Museum also offers a variety of educational programs to help students better understand and protect the country's cultural heritage.

China'srural revitalization strategy has invigorated economic development in rural areas, allowing farmers to share the benefits of growth.Fijiis committed to transforming its unique island cultural heritage into tourism resources, enabling villages and communities to gain economic benefits through the display of handicrafts and traditional culture, said the minister.

Fijialso seeks to strike a balance between cultural heritage protection and development, particularly by preventing the improper commercialization of indigenous traditions. He added thatChina'sexperience in legislative protection has providedFijiwith more ideas for strengthening safeguarding of traditional culture from legal perspective and enhancing local community incomes.

ChinaandFijihave also advanced together in green development strategies, jointly tackling the challenges of global climate change, adding new highlights to their bilateral relations. Vasu noted that Chinese companies are actively participating in the development of clean energy projects, such as solar power, which has acceleratedFiji'sgreen energy transition and reduced reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

Moreover,Chinahas provided significant agricultural technology assistance toFiji, particularly in the transfer of Juncao technology, helpingFijiincrease agricultural productivity and bolster its food security system.

These cooperation projects have not only contributed greatly toFiji'scomprehensive economic and social development but also provided valuable development experiences and models for other Pacific Island nations, said Vasu, adding that the friendship betweenChinaandFijihas a long history, and the Chinese community, as an integral part ofFiji'smulticultural society, has made positive contributions to the country's development and cultural diversity.

We look forward to further enhancing friendly exchanges between the peoples of both countries to lay a more solid foundation forChina-Fijirelations, Vasu said.

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SOURCE Global Times