Consistently Serving MSMEs, BRI Records a Profit of IDR 60.64 Trillion

JAKARTA, Indonesia,Feb. 13, 2025/PRNewswire/ --PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI)continues to demonstrate resilience amid economic challenges, recording a consolidated net profit ofIDR 60.64 trillionin 2024.BRI President Director Sunarsoshared this achievement during the2024 Financial Performance Press ConferenceinJakarta(12/2).

BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) executives posing together during BRI Financial Performance Presentation 2024 event (PRNewsfoto/PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI))

"As of the end of 2024, BRI successfully posted a net profit ofIDR 60.64 trillion. This achievement reflects BRI's resilience and ability to consistently create value for shareholders, stakeholders, and the wider community while maintaining its support for MSMEs,"Sunarso said.

ByDecember 2024, BRI's total assets grew1.42% year-on-year (yoy)toIDR 1,992.98 trillion, driven by selective and quality loan disbursement, primarily in the MSME segment, which accounted for81.97%of total loans(IDR 1,110.37 trillion). Loan disbursement reachedIDR 1,354.64 trillion, up6.97% yoy, while theNon-Performing Loan(NPL) ratio improved from2.95%to2.78%.BRI also maintained strong reserves with an NPL Coverage ratio of215.01%.

Driving the People's Economy Through MSME Services and Empowerment

As an agent of development, BRI remains committed to government initiatives by supporting MSME growth through various programs:

  1. Ultra Micro Holding (UMi) – A collaboration with Pegadaian and PNM to provide financial services for ultra-micro businesses, currently serving over 180 million savings customers and36.9 millionloan customers.
  2. People's Business Credit (KUR) – A government-backed financing program for MSMEs, with BRI disbursingIDR 184.98 trillionin 2024, the highest among national banks, benefiting over4 millionMSMEs.
  3. AgenBRILink – A network of1.06 millionbanking agents facilitating transactions worthIDR 1,583 trillion, covering80%ofIndonesia'svillages.
  4. Desa BRILian – A rural economic development program supporting4,327villages through tourism, handicrafts, and agriculture.
  5. PARI (Indonesian People's Market) – A digital platform connecting85,000MSME users based on commodity ecosystems.
  6. Klasterku Hidupku– A cluster-based business support program with 38,574 MSME clusters nationwide.
  7. LinkUMKM – A digital platform tracking MSME progress, used by8.9 millionentrepreneurs.
  8. Rumah BUMN – A collaborative space for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to train and mentor433,000MSMEs across54locations.

Sunarso emphasized BRI is committed to supporting the people's economy, particularly through inclusive and sustainable financing, as well as various empowerment initiatives to help MSMEs become a key pillar ofIndonesia'seconomic growth.

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SOURCE PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI)