QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025

Top universities in 55 subjects revealed 

LONDON,March 12, 2025/PRNewswire/ -- Global higher education experts QS Quacquarelli Symonds released the 15thedition of theQS World University Rankings by Subject,comparingover21,000 academic offerings, taken by students at more than1700 universities across 100 countries and territoriesin55 subjects and five faculty areas.

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QS Senior VP Ben Sowter said:"With growing funding challenges in mature higher education systems, supporting the sector is critical to driving innovation and societal progress. Our largest-ever subject rankings reveal emerging markets—particularly inAsiaand the Middle East—are rising, as financial pressures mount on universities in the US, UK,Australia, andCanada."

Analysis revealsdevelopments in future-industry areaswith 34 new entries in the top 100 forData Science& AI,

45 changes in top 50 Computer Science andChina'sfirst entry in the top 10Engineering& Technologyfaculty area. Eight new countries and territories feature, with 171 institutions appearing for the first time and 14 universities rising into top 10 related subject areas.

Global Highlights

  • The United Statesleads with 3,245 ranked entries and tops 32 of 55 subjects, withHarvardfirst in 19 andMITin 12.
  • The UKhas 1,883 entries and tops 18 subjects, withCambridgeearning four #1s and Oxford three – tied with ETH Zurich.
  • MainlandChinaleads in for number of new entries. Peking and Tsinghua earn two top-three spots each. Seven of the world's 10 most improved universities are Chinese.
  • InAustralia, The Universities ofMelbourneandSydneyrank among the world's top-100 in a world-leading 52 of 55 subjects
  • Switzerlandboasts the world's third most #1 entries. ETH Zurich has the fourth most #1 ranked entries among institutions
  • Hong Kongis the world's most improved location. Of its 231 subject entries, 68% climb, 6% drop, and 15% remain stable
  • Singaporecontinues to shine, with 30% of its entries securing top-10 positions, the highest concentration in the world
  • KFUPM remains home to theArab Region'sbest subject entry, placing fifth forPetroleum Engineering
  • BrazilleadsLatin Americawith 333 entries from 31 universities, led by Universidade de São Paulo, ranked ninth in Petroleum Engineering and 13th in Dentistry
  • Twelve entries from nineIndianinstitutions are in the top 50 spearheaded byMineral& Mining Engineeringat the Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, in 20th
  • Canadianuniversities excel inEngineeringandBiological Sciences.University of Torontoranks in the top-50 in a world-leading 46 subjects



SOURCE QS Quacquarelli Symonds