PROCOMER presented Costa Rica's world-class exports at FOODEX 2025

TOKYO,March 22, 2025/PRNewswire/ -- FromMarch 11-14,Costa Ricashowcased the best of its food industry at the50th edition of FOODEXJAPAN, one ofAsia'smost prestigious food and beverage trade shows.

This year, ten Costa Rican companies –Frutas Doña Mara (Frozfrut), Grupo VISA, Don Beto Specialty Coffee-Pura Vida Coffee Japan,Tertulia Brugge, Fructa CR, Compañía Frutera La Paz, Todo Natural S.A., Tropical Paradise Fruits Co.,Sibö Chocolate and Cacao Nahua JPB S.A.– together with the Costa Rican Foreign Trade Promotion Agency (PROCOMER), presented a diverse selection of products ranging from frozen and dehydrated tropical fruits, to specialty coffee, gourmet chocolate and banana and pineapple derivatives, reaffirming the country's position in the Asian market as offering innovative, sustainable products of the highest quality.

"Costa Ricaseeks to reaffirm the country's position as a reliable and high-level supplier in the Asian market. The quality and added value characterizing the 260+ exporting companies in the food sector allows us to compete in a market as demanding as the Japanese market, and this trade fair is the ideal place to position our offerings,"saidMario Saenz, Export Development Manager of PROCOMER.

This year also highlighted the participation ofcompanies led by women(50% of the total)and thedebut of four companies at FOODEX, reflecting the dynamism and diversity of the Costa Rican export sector.

Enid Abarca, representative of Frutas Doña Mara (Frozfrut), taking part for the first time, commented:"For Frozfrut, participating in FOODEX 2025 is a key opportunity to showcase the quality of Costa Rican products in the attractive Japanese market. We aim to consolidate business relationships, explore new opportunities and continue to innovate in order to respond to global industry trends."

In addition to exhibiting exports, the Costa Rican delegation took advantage of this trade fair to visit points-of-sale which are strategic inTokyo, in order to analyze consumption, competition and product presentation trends.

Marianella Chaves, Export Manager of Todo Natural S.A., added:"From the perspective of a producer of dried fruit snacks, at FOODEX 2025, Todo Natural S.A. is trying to consolidate the presence of its products in the Japanese target market, highlighting their quality and versatility. Our goal is to strengthen existing business relationships and explore new opportunities in this demanding market."

In addition, during the four-day trade fair, theesencialCOSTA RICAcountry stand featured a coffee bar run by a professional barista offering tastings of Costa Rican coffee, recognized worldwide for its quality and exceptional flavor.

ForCosta Rica'sparticipation at this trade fair, PROCOMER provided personalized advice to companies on topics such as business culture, market entry requirements and consumer trends.

Attended bymore than 70,000 visitorsand companies fromover 60 countries, FOODEXJAPANhas becomea key backdropfor the internationalization of Costa Rican products.

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SOURCE Promotora del Comercio Exterior deCosta Rica(PROCOMER)