UOB Asset Management Switches its United SSE 50 China ETF's Index to track the FTSE China A50 Index

The change allows for a more comprehensive coverage ofChina'sA-Shares market as it includes the 50 largest and most liquid A-Shares on theShanghaiand Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. 

SINGAPORE,March 25, 2025/PRNewswire/ -- UOB Asset Management Ltd (UOBAM)has switched the United Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) 50 China Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)'s Index to track the FTSE China A50 Index from today. Consequently, the ETF will be renamed toUOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETFto reflect the change of index and investment objective.

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Since its listing on theSingapore Stock Exchange (SGX)on26 November 2009, the United SSE 50 China ETF has played a pivotal role asSingapore'sfirst China A-shares ETF inSingaporeand provided investors with access toChinaonshore equity market - well ahead of the establishment of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in 2014[1]. The ETF was also the first China A-shares ETF denominated and traded inSingaporeDollars.

To stay attuned toChina'sevolving market landscape and provide investors with broader opportunities, UOBAM is enhancing the ETF's investment scope. The ETF previously tracked the SSE 50 Index, which was limited to stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The ETF will now transition to a new benchmark, expanding its coverage to include both theShanghaiandShenzhen-listed A-shares. This enhancement ensures a more comprehensive representation ofChina'scapital markets by encompassing the 50 largest and most liquid A-shares across both exchanges.

Mr.Thio Boon Kiat, Group Chief Executive Officer, UOBAM, said,"China'sstrategic shift towards strengthening domestic growth, while maintaining its critical role in global manufacturing, continues to unlock diverse investment opportunities. By adopting the FTSE China A50 index, we aim to provide investors with an efficient ETF vehicle to captureChina'sgrowth story amid its evolving economic landscape."

Emerald Yau, Head of Equity Index Product Management, APAC, FTSE Russell, an LSEG business, said:"We are delighted to be working with UOBAM to help them provide their clients with coverage of the China A-Shares market. The FTSE China A50 Index, a pioneer in tracking the A-Share market's performance, has undergone multiple enhancements to meet investors'needs while continuing to maintain a transparent, market cap-weighted approach and ensure it remains a representative and relevant tool for gaining exposure toChina'sdomestic markets, further complimenting the FTSE China A50 ecosystem."

Launched more than 20 years ago, the FTSE China A50 Index has evolved in tandem withChina'sprogress to become one of FTSE Russell's flagship benchmark indices. The index is backed by a liquid derivative market inSingapore, with the FTSE China A50 Index Futures being the top traded equity index futures on SGX.[2]

The combined full market capitalisation of the FTSE China A50 Index constituents represents about a third of the total A-Share market. The index provides diversified exposure across multiple sectors and industries inChinaand includesChinamarket leaders such as BYD Auto and Mindray. Additionally, the index is highly correlated to the broader China A-Shares market, making it more relevant to investors who are seeking investment or allocation into China A-Shares.[3]

Investors will be able to trade the UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF, inSingaporedollar (SGD) or US dollar (USD), through their brokers and respective platforms using either cash or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) funds. For more information about the UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF, visituobam.com.sg/ufca50

AboutUOB Asset Management Ltd

UOB Asset Management Ltd (UOBAM) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Overseas Bank Limited. Established in 1986, UOBAM has nearly 40 years of experience in managing collective investment schemes and discretionary funds inSingapore, making us among the largest unit trust managers by assets under management. As of28 February 2025, we managed 63 unit trusts inSingaporeand together with our subsidiaries, overseesS$37.5 billionin clients'assets.

Headquartered inSingapore, UOBAM has a strong presence acrossAsia, with business and investment offices inBrunei,Indonesia,Japan,Malaysia,ThailandandVietnam. Our network includes UOB Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd inMalaysia, a joint venture with Ping An Fund Management Company Limited (China) and strategic alliances with partners such as Wellington Management Singapore.

UOBAM is one of the region's most awarded asset managers, with over 360 awards won. In 2025, we were recognised as the Best Asset Management Company (Regional) by the Asia Asset Management and previously named Best Asset Management House inAsia– 20 Years in 2023. Our digital innovation has also earned top honours, including Best Digital Wealth Management inAsia[4]and Best Robo Advisory Initiative[5] for 3 consecutive years as of 2024.

As a leader in sustainable investing, UOBAM was awarded Best application of ESG in ASEAN[6](2023) and has received multiple sustainability accolades inIndonesiaandThailand. Our artificial intelligence capabilities were also recognised with the Most Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence (ASEAN) for 2 consecutive years[7].

For full list of UOBAM awards, please visituobam.com.sg/awards 

About UOB

UOB is a leading bank inAsia. Operating through its head office inSingaporeand banking subsidiaries in China, Indonesia,Malaysia,ThailandandVietnam, UOB has a global network of more than 470 branches and offices in 19 markets inAsia Pacific,EuropeandNorth America. Since its incorporation in 1935, UOB has grown organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions. Today, UOB is rated among the world's top banks: Aa1 by Moody's Investors Service and AA- by both S&P Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings.

For nine decades, UOB has adopted a customer-centric approach to create long-term value by staying relevant through its enterprising spirit and doing right by its customers. UOB is focused on building the future of ASEAN – for the people and businesses within, and connecting with, ASEAN.

The Bank connects businesses to opportunities in the region with its unparalleled regional footprint and leverages data and insights to innovate and create personalised banking experiences and solutions catering to each customer's unique needs and evolving preferences. UOB is also committed to help businesses forge a sustainable future, by fostering social inclusiveness, creating positive environmental impact and pursuing economic progress. UOB believes in being a responsible financial services provider and is steadfast in its support of art, social development of children and education, doing right by its communities and stakeholders.

Important Notice and Disclaimers

Neither UOBAM nor the SGX assumes any responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements or opinions expressed in this announcement. UOBAM and its employees shall not be held liable for any decision or action taken based on the views expressed or information contained within this announcement. Any opinion, projection and other forward-looking statement regarding future events or performance of, including but not limited to, countries, markets or companies is not necessarily indicative of, and may differ from actual events or results. Nothing in this publication constitutes accounting, legal, regulatory, tax or other advice. The information herein has no regard to the specific objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. If you are in any doubt about this announcement, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.

This announcement is for general information only. It does not constitute an offer or solicitation to deal in units in the United SSE 50 China ETF (the UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF, with effect from25 March 2025). It does not constitute investment advice or recommendation and was prepared without regard to the specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person who may receive it.

The information contained in this document, including any data, projections and underlying assumptions, are based upon certain assumptions, management forecasts and analysis of information available and reflects prevailing conditions and UOB Asset Management Ltd's ("UOBAM") views as of the date of the document, all of which are subject to change at any time without notice. In preparing this document, UOBAM has relied upon and assumed, without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of all information available from public sources or which was otherwise reviewed by UOBAM. While the information provided herein is believed to be reliable, UOBAM makes no representation or warranty whether express or implied, and accepts no responsibility or liability for its completeness or accuracy. Nothing in this document shall, under any circumstances constitute a continuing representation or give rise to any implication that there has not been or there will not be any change affecting the Fund. No representation or promise as to the performance of the Fund or the return on your investment is made. Past performance of the Fund or UOBAM and any past performance or prediction, projection or forecast of the economic trends or securities market are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund or UOBAM. The value of Units and the income from them, if any, may fall as well as rise, and is likely to have high volatility due to the investment policies and/or portfolio management techniques employed by the Fund. Investments in Units involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested, and are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed or insured by United Overseas Bank Limited ("UOB"), UOBAM, or any of their subsidiary, associate or affiliate ("UOB Group") or distributors of the Fund. The Fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments and you should be aware of the risks associated with investments in financial derivative instruments which are described in the Fund's prospectus. The UOB Group may have interests in the Units and may also perform or seek to perform brokering and other investment or securities-related services for the Fund.

Investors should note that the Fund is not like a conventional unit trust in that an investor cannot redeem his Units directly with UOBAM and can only do so through the participating dealers, Phillip Securities Pte Ltd and UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd, (either directly or through a stockbroker) if his redemption amount satisfies a prescribed minimum that will be comparatively larger than that required for redemptions of units in a conventional unit trust. An investor may therefore only be able to realise the value of his Units by selling the Units on the Singapore Exchange Limited ("SGX"). Investors should also note that any listing and quotation of Units on the SGX does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units.

An investment in unit trusts is subject to investment risks and foreign exchange risks, including the possible loss of all or part of the principal amount invested. Investors should read the Fund's prospectus and product highlights sheet, which are available and may be obtained from UOBAM or any of its appointed agents or distributors, before deciding whether to subscribe for or purchase any Units. You are responsible for your own investment decisions. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to invest in any Units, and in the event that you choose not to do so, you should consider carefully whether the Fund is suitable for you.

The UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF has been developed solely by UOBAM. The UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF is not in any way connected to or sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the London Stock Exchange Group plc and its group undertakings (collectively, the"LSE Group"). FTSE Russell is a trading name of certain of the LSE Group companies.

All rights in the FTSE China A50 Index vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the FTSE China A50 Index."FTSE®"is a trademark of the relevant LSE Group company and is used by any other LSE Group company under license.

The FTSE China A50 Index is calculated by or on behalf of FTSE International Limited or its affiliate, agent or partner. The LSE Group does not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in the FTSE China A50 Index or (b) investment in or operation of the UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF. The LSE Group makes no claim, prediction, warranty, or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the UOBAM FTSE China A50 Index ETF or the suitability of the FTSE China A50 Index for the purpose to which it is being put by UOBAM.

UOB Asset Management Ltd. Company Reg. No. 198600120Z

[1] The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect was officially launched in 2014. The stock connect established a two-way trading link between the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX).

[2] Based on SGX Monthly Highlights Report for Equity Derivatives. For more information, visit https://www.sgx.com/securities/market-updates?category=25&asset-classes=188

[3] The FTSE China A50 Index is highly correlated to the broader China A-Share market hovering mostly above 90% historically. The FTSE China A Stock Connect CNY Index and FTSE China A index are used for the correlation test with the FTSE China A50 Index

[4] Awarded by Asia Asset Management

[5] Awarded by The Digital Banker for the Global Retail Banking Innovations Award

[6] Awarded by Asia Asset Management

[7] As of 2025, by Asia Asset Management


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SOURCE UOB Asset Management